

Summer 2024

A captivating setting can transport people to another time or place, create a certain mood or atmosphere, and enhance the overall story of a community. Whether it’s grand and elaborate or simple and minimalistic, a well-designed and carefully planned area can have a significant positive impact on the lives of those who experience it.

The City of Airdrie has taken a proactive approach to make downtown Airdrie an attractive place for investment with a series of incentives to accelerate downtown redevelopment. The Downtown Incentives program aims to help eligible businesses and property owners upgrade their storefronts or buildings, construct new patios, add temporary art installations, purchase new outdoor seating, and more. 

Incentive streams include:

  • Activation and collaboration (up to $10K for Downtown events, programs or initiatives)
  • Beautification projects (up to $5K per business)
  • Environmental Site Assessments
  • Expedited development permit review (new developments or redevelopments only)
  • Façade improvements (up to $50K per property)
  • Parking structures
  • New and improved patios (up to $15K per property)

Pre-application meetings are strongly recommended and sometimes required. Reach out to to schedule one. Applications close August 31, 2024.

More information and application forms are available on the City’s website