Airdrie’s Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) was recently presented with the In-Person Project of the Year Award by the Youth Volunteer Corps network at their virtual annual summit.
The project included providing local produce to the Airdrie Food Bank by building garden beds, refinishing picnic tables and seeding and maintaining a garden each week throughout the summer.
“It’s a great honour (to win this award). We truly do this for the youth and our community. The award is just a bonus for all the hard work put in by the youth,” says Jason Heer, director of community engagement and fund development for YVC Airdrie.
“The youth of Airdrie are passionate about making a positive impact in their community and we have room for more youth with the same desire.”
YVC Airdrie has been in operation for the past two years and has the goal of engaging youth in team-based service experiences that build life and work skills while inspiring a lifetime ethic of service.
“Our program is designed to create a life-long passion of volunteerism in youth… the goal is to serve local communities presently and in the future,” says Heer.
“Our program is free for all youth to join and they can pick and choose which projects to participate.”
The local group of 90-plus youth has worked on the Garden of Hope for the past two summers, which includes planting, maintaining and harvesting more than 3,000 pounds of fresh food for the community over the last two years. They have also volunteered by making raised flower and garden beds for local senior residents, participated in Boo in the Creek, volunteering at Airdrie Festival of Lights, and providing lawn clean up at Airdrie P.O.W.E.R. women’s day shelter.
During the awards ceremony on Oct 15 and 16, more than 80 youth were recognized with the 100-in-1 Award for contributing 100 hours of service to their community in the span of one year. Ten youth were honoured with the Ethic of Service Award for completing at least 500 service hours in their volunteer career.
Two youth received the Legacy Award for donating 1,500 hours of service in their communities.
YVC has over 30 affiliates across North America and, each year, thousands of hours are served by youth volunteers whose vision is to define communities by compassion, selflessness, and respect for others.
“Over the last three decades, I have watched Youth Volunteer Corps evolve,” says founder and president of YVC Headquarters David Battey.
“I am always in awe of the number of youth who serve and the number of hours they contribute. We are pleased to have so many young people in our network and appreciate the support of our affiliates in addressing community needs through service.”
For more information on YVC Airdrie, click here.