
Life stages through the lens

Story by Joanne McMonagle

Fall 2018

“We are making photographs to understand what our lives mean to us” –Ralph Hattersley

Here you are, your first baby; you are excited and scared as you try to navigate your way on how to raise and care for this brand new tiny human. There are so many stages of change and development during your baby’s first year.

That first year goes by incredibly fast. You will want to document all the milestones and create a legacy for those generations to come.

To start, getting maternity photos is a beautiful way to remember and celebrate your pregnancy. These sessions make an expectant mom feel beautiful and special when there are times she will struggle with her changing body.

Next is a newborn photography session. They are generally done between 10 and 14 days from birth. This is the tiniest your child will ever be, practically fitting in the palm of your hand. Being new sleep-deprived parents, this age will be a blur very shortly.

The next time to get photos done would be that three to four month age; lots of changes have happened since baby was born. It’s a time of smiles and coos, and your little one is starting to hold their head up when on their tummy.

That adorable seven-month or sitting stage arrives next, when so much of your baby’s personality is shining through. Big smiles, tiny teeth; such a happy age.

Before you know it, your baby will be one year! They can stand now or even walk. Some parents love that fun “cake smash” session to commemorate and celebrate baby’s first birthday.

And in between those sessions, always have your camera on hand. Whether it’s a DSLR or your cell phone, never stop taking pictures. Always capture those spontaneous candid moments.

Please moms, get in front of that camera more often than not. Someday it will be very important to your children to see you in pictures.

And whatever you do, print your pictures. They say this is the “most photographed generation, yet they will have no pictures in 10 years.”  There are various ways with changing technology that you risk losing your precious photos. Get into the habit of sending those digital files off to the local printing company; don’t let yourself get behind and have it become overwhelming.

Joanne McMonagle is a professional photographer that specializes in children