Joanne Shanahan has spent the last 25 years dedicated to improving the lives of Airdrie families.

As lead for the Family Day Home Program with Community Links, Shanahan recruits and supports educators and manages consultants within the program. Her mission has been to promote a safe and healthy place for children’s development and learning.

“The legacy I want to leave is how amazing our program is. We have worked so hard to train people and match the right families up with the right educators,” says Shanahan.

“It feels really good to see the kids are so well taken care of and just safe, thanks to the work we have done over the years. The families have peace of mind when they go to work knowing their children are happy when they are dropped off and happy when they are picked up.”

Community Links executive director and nominator Brenda Hume says Shanahan’s long-standing passion for quality childcare is commendable.

“Joanne has worked daily with many families over the years to offer flexibility in childcare choice, assisting parents in choosing a family day home suitable to their child’s optimal development and family’s needs while addressing their cultural, social, linguistic, and spiritual heritage,” she says.