Created by Pamela Jonson, Image Paintings Plus is a licensed Airdrie home-based art studio. Original canvas art, resin art, mixed media, and charcuterie boards. Online shopping and in-store by appointment
Veronica Stone decided to finally take the jump and start her own business in the summer of 2020. For years, Stone had been working for herself in various fields, but Happy Place Spaces became her passion.
For the last 27 years, Danika Weatherburn has been all in when it comes to martial arts. s programs director of Masters Path Karate Leadership Academy, Weatherburn mentors more than 60 students to help them achieve athletic confidence and learn life skills.
Amy Bouchard is a ceramic artist specializing in contemporary pots that embody elegance and sophistication, seamlessly blending clean lines, minimalism, and functional design. Her work combines traditional ceramic techniques with modern sensibilities, resulting in visually striking pieces.