Dawn Sorsdahl is committed to fostering fitness and well-being among young athletes.

As the strength and conditioning coach, then manager, then coach at Bert Church High School, Sorsdahl has been a part of the Bantam Raiders Football Team and the Bert Church High School Football Team for more than six years.

While there, she completely transformed the players’ training program, resulting in a remarkable surge in both their enthusiasm and fitness levels.

“It is so rewarding to see the passion in these young athletes,” says Sorsdahl.

“It’s not just about the touchdowns; it’s about each step they take towards becoming the best versions of themselves.”

Sorsdahl played a pivotal role in initiating “Cram the Ram” during home games, a heartwarming initiative that involves filling a Ram truck with donations for the Airdrie Food Bank.

This spring, Sorsdahl is taking over as head coach of Airdrie’s All-Girls Tackle Football Team. She hopes to break gender barriers and inspire girls to get involved in the typically male-dominated sport.

“Dawn’s passion for fitness made her the perfect fit on our team,” says nominator and fellow coach Steven Larsen.

“Over the course of her coaching career, she has helped numerous young athletes not only be the healthiest, fittest version of themselves, but she has also inspired them to embrace a healthy lifestyle, even after moving on from our program.”