CARLEEN KOOP has always had a passion for supporting women and children.

As manager of Mainsprings Pregnancy and Family, Koop helps vulnerable women in Airdrie navigate everyday challenges. From emotional one-on-one support, organizing fresh food hampers, maternity clothing, baby necessities and community referrals, to leading support groups, Koop does it all.

“My favourite part of my day is working with women to make sure they have a safe and stable person in their lives. Someone who can take the time to hear their stories and offer real support,” says Koop.

“I believe every individual deserves every support they can get, and having people show up for them in practical and caring ways makes all the difference.”

Koop looks forward to expanding Mainsprings by moving into a new building, saying the city’s growth will increase demand for services.

She is also involved in a number of community programs, including the Airdrie Houselessness Estimation Study, the Airdrie Basic Needs committee and the Extreme Weather Action Collective.

“Carleen is by far one of the kindest humans I have met,” says nominator Kirstin Barchard.

“Many of the women and families that come to her are afraid or not in a great place, and she and her team ensure they get just what they need.”