Wow! That’s all we can say about the quality and quantity of Awesome Airdrie Kid nominations we received this year. We were also overwhelmed by the passion and care the nominators took to tell us about their respective nominees, so we’ve decided to let them do all the talking.
The comments here come direct from the nomination applications (edited for brevity and clarity). So without further ado here are our 28(!!) Awesome Airdrie Kids for 2020. We will be celebrating them at a family function in late January, but for now take the time to read about just how good our future will be in the hands of these impressive Airdrie youth.
Special thanks to our awesome partners Chinook Gate, Tutor Doctor, Vitreous Glass, Pureform Radiology and CrossFit 403.
Alex Francois, 14
Nominated by Airdrie BMX
Alex is a kindhearted almost-14-year-old who is more than prepared to help fellow racers (or anyone at the track) with his time and skill. He shows concern for others, whether injured or simply disappointed with their own results, and is quick to offer advice and encouragement. He represents his BMX sponsor fully with maturity and class. This summer, Alex placed seventh in 14 year expert boys at the Canadian National BMX championships.
Amelia Osborne, 11
Nominated by Jenny Robichaud, teacher
Amelia is a hard worker who has had a tough year with her mom battling cancer. She comes to school with a positive attitude and positive spirit. She always helps out with the younger students. Amelia also has an amazing dedication to extracurricular activity. She practices archery and is ranked number three in Alberta and number eight in Canada, and at press time was preparing for the Alberta 2020 Winter Games qualifiers.
Autumn Hambley, 11
Nominated by Erica Legh, teacher
Autumn has been a leader in her classes and her school community since she arrived at Meadowbrook School. Autumn exemplifies what it means to be a compassionate leader and role model to her peers. She is a member of the Green Team, AMA Patrols and Student Leadership. She brings an incredible level of spirit and sense of duty to bettering the world around her. Autumn is one of the most dependable and genuine students I have ever come to know.
Autumn Wickens, 12
Nominated by Colin Hayashi, teacher
Autumn is an exceptionally bright and caring young lady. She is one of the students who launched a breakfast program at Windsong Heights School. As a student, she has an amazing sense of humour and she works hard to set goals and persevere through challenges. I am very proud of her commitment to our school’s breakfast program and I was very fortunate to have her as a student.
Brynley Ramdanny, 7 
Nominated by Chelsea Michtich, teacher
Brynley embodies every quality of the seven habits (Leader in Me) and is one of the most kind and genuine souls I have ever had the privilege of teaching. Brynley listens to her peers with her whole heart, she’s honest, she’s mindful and she’s respectful to everyone she meets. Brynley truly demonstrates that every day and every situation can always be win-win with her positive outlook and enthusiastic attitude. An equestrian hunter/jumper since the age of four, she hopes to begin competing in 2020.
Callie Wallace, 14
Nominated by Brenda Schmaltz, teacher
Callie Wallace is not only a role model for others but consistently gives to the community with a level of consideration, conviction and compassion. She has served on the Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs, been involved in Mental Health Seminars and Airdrie Festival of Lights, and designed the logo for Pink Shirt Day. With Community Links, she helps welcome immigrant families to Airdrie. Within her school community, Callie strives for excellence and has received “Honours with Distinction” throughout her years at C.W. Perry. Her conviction and humility will continue to positively influence all members of the Airdrie community.
Chase Strang, 10
Nominated by Kurtis Foote, golf instructor
Swinging a club since he could walk, Chase Strang competed in the 2019 U.S. Kids World Golf Championship at Pinehurst Golf Course in North Carolina this past August (with an 84,89,89) after qualifying at a Canadian Junior Golf Association event – it was only the second tournament he had ever played. Chase exhibits a great amount of respect for all those around him from friend, adult, teacher to coach. He is always happy when at the course while showing exceptional sportsmanship and following club rules. I would love to have dozens of kids with his attitude as part of my staff or my Junior Program here at Country Hills Golf Club.
Chelsea Coates, 11
Nominated by Suzanne Krienke, teacher
Chelsea made many notable contributions to the Heloise Lorimer School community. She started a reading club, was a STEAM (focused on science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) member, and the backstage manager of the school musical. She was top scorer as part of the reigning female Provincial Atom A hockey champions. Chelsea has worked diligently to develop her personal talents while motivating others to contribute and excel, too. Without a doubt, she would be a fitting choice for an Airdrie Awesome Kids award.
Dominic Obermeier, 8
Nominated by Kasyn Sell, teacher
Dominic is a leader in class as his actions speak louder than the words he says. He tries to compromise, and problem solve if there are disagreements so that everyone is happy. His behaviour clearly indicates that he believes kindness, respect and responsibility pay off in the end. He tries hard in all he does and puts forth his best effort. He isn’t afraid to try new things and even if he gets it wrong he puts a smile on his face and tries again. These are great leaderships qualities to have and many students in class notice this.
Emma Francis, 14 
Nominated by Amanda Russell, teacher
Emma demonstrates her compassion in and outside of the classroom. She volunteers with the Special Olympics, and is a caregiver to her sister Gracie, who attends the same school and has Down syndrome. Emma is inclusive and demonstrates this by lending a hand to those who are down, visibly upset or just simply alone. She is not shy to ask for help, and because she is so genuine, has the support of a large circle of friends. Emma doesn’t take herself too seriously, and always has a smile on her face.
Hayden Sharp, 9
Nominated by MacKinnley Colgan, teacher
Hayden is an incredible leader. He is a shoulder and safe space for students throughout my classroom and is often who they trust to talk to when they need a boost. He advocates for students, coming to the teacher as a silent companion when the student would otherwise have suffered in silence. He always has a smile on his face and will ensure you have one on yours, as well. He is funny and kind. He is an integral member of the classroom, and school, community.
Jade Wickens, 12 
Nominated by Colin Hayashi, teacher
Jade with twin sister Autumn were part of the group who took the initiative to get a breakfast program at Windsong Heights School up and running. She and this group wrote up a proposal to our administration team and dedicated hours to finding out how to run an effective breakfast program. Jade and her sister continue to dedicate their time each morning to ensure that this program runs the way that they envisioned. As a student, she has an amazing sense of humour and she works hard to set goals and persevere through challenges. I am very proud of her commitment to our school’s breakfast program.
Kaylin Grieve, 11 
Nominated by Kendra Arnason, teacher
Kaylin has a heart of gold and is genuine in everything she does. A perfect example of this was Operation Joy in Kaylin’s Grade 5 year. Kaylin spearheaded a movement to spread joy throughout our classroom, school and the local community. With her guidance, our class raised over $3,000 to purchase items from the Ronald McDonald House Wishlist. This past summer, Kaylin and a friend saved up their money to purchase groceries for the local food bank. She also competes as a Junior in the Shamrock Lanes Bowling League.
Kennedy Brown, 14
Nominated by Amanda Russell, teacher
Kennedy has attended many leadership conferences due to her innate ability to lead people through her positive outlook. She is an exemplary student who is gracious and studious. She lifts people up and encourages others to do so as well. She is a competitive athlete and has represented her sports club at The Edge in many gymnastics competitions. She is in a class called Community Matters and has worked with Grade 5 students at the elementary schools to help prepare them for their Grade 6 transition year. Kennedy is a motivated individual who cares deeply about her friends, and the impact she leaves on the world.
Kiera MacDonald, 14 
Nominated by, Amanda Russell, teacher
Kiera is a delightful individual who takes community to heart. She shows her compassion by giving back to the homeless, and volunteering her time to collect goods for those in need. She and her friend have created an Instagram account called Kindness to Care, where they showcase some of their efforts in making the people in our community more accepted and understood. A talented artist and athlete, she started her own scrunchie business and this summer placed 9th in the Legion Nationals for the Pentathlon.
Kingsen Kelly, 10
Nominated by Matthew Turner, teacher
Kingsen is a kind and caring individual who looks after his peers and those around him, while maintaining a bright and happy disposition on a daily basis. He went beyond grade-level expectations in numerous subject areas; he was a member of the school Peer Helper team, volunteering his free time (recesses and lunch) to help do school jobs (announcements, collect recycling, cleaning up gym equipment, recess support). He also was a fantastic role model for younger students while helping run intramural sports for Grade 3 students. This carried over into reading buddies with both Grade 2 and kindergarten.
Linda Mitchell, 11 
Nominated by Candice Parsons, friend
Linda is a beautiful soul who can always put a smile on your face and has a heart of gold. She is such a good role model to the other kids in her life as well as other people who come into her life. She would be the first to help someone in need and always has something kind to say to all. She also has such a sweet little smile. Truly an inspiration to see so much love, compassion and joy in someone who has had to be so strong and resilient.
Logan Smit, 12
Nominated by Laurie Kubik, teacher
Logan is one of the kindest and most compassionate students that I have had the opportunity to teach. He consistently looks out for his peers and goes out of his way to help them out. Logan is determined and hard-working. He gets good grades and always hands in assignments on time. Logan is also a leader in our Christian classroom. Logan comes from a close-knit family and consistently supports his siblings. He is also a strong role model. Logan has a wonderful sense of humor and often uses this positive approach to deal with difficult or stressful situations.
Molly Lytle, 11
Nominated by Jolie Nelson, teacher
Molly has been a recipient of the Spartan Effort Honour Roll at C.W. Perry. She is always polite, respectful and considerate of everyone with whom she crosses paths. She acts courageously and welcomes a challenge. She has shown me and her peers that going the extra mile and putting in hard work really pays off. Her peers see her as someone they know will always lend a helping hand and genuinely wants to see them succeed. She will go above and beyond for anyone in our classroom and has been one of the most reliable students I have ever met. Her work ethic and commitment are truly inspirational.
Novalee Hiltz, 9
Nominated by Jayne Morgan, teacher
Novalee always works hard, be it on her school work, organizing a club with her friends over the lunch hour, or helping out at Ralph McCall School. She helps out at the school kiosk daily. She takes this opportunity to learn and grow as a helper in our community. Novalee overcomes obstacles in her day, and is always willing to try new things; she is a passionate learner, and always thinks of her friends before herself. Novalee follows directions well and has a heart of gold. She always puts others first; never complaining, just doing what needs to be done.
Ocean Colless, 8
Nominated by Elaine Lovell, teacher
Ocean has the sweetest disposition of any child I have taught in the past 15 years of my career. She is a brilliant student, but is so amazingly kind that she will play or be partners with even the most difficult child, even though she has tons of friends to choose from. She has impeccable manners and is respectful to teachers, parents and other adults in the school. She is a leader by example and has touched the lives of not only people in her school, but her community at large.
Reilly MacIver, 11
Nominated by Jolie Nelson, teacher
Reilly has a fire inside of him that is incredible to watch. I have seen him behave in such a way that I know adults even struggle with. His ability to handle any and all situations with kindness and compassion is truly inspirational. What stands out the most about Reilly is his heart. He is kind and caring to all that he meets and is always willing to go above and beyond for his peers. Not only is he kind and a good friend – but he also never fails to make people smile. He truly has a gift for lifting up those who are down and appropriately lifting the mood wherever he goes.
Rory Purvis, 14
Nominated by Amanda Russell, teacher
Rory is a positive and energetic adolescent. She is self-motivated and does everything at 110 per cent. At school she has demonstrated leadership and compassion by organizing a school-wide, Socks for the Homeless challenge; she donated what was collected to the Calgary Drop-In and Rehabilitation Centre. She is also part of a group of students who created an Airdrie Instagram page called Kindness to Care. Rory is also in a band at her church, where she is the lead singer. She is very involved at school, in her church and the greater community. She believes that time is the best form of giving back that you can give.
Sophia Hamilton, 12
Nominated by Melissa Walker, teacher
Sophia is an involved person; at school, in the community and at home. At school, Sophia is a caring, compassionate and welcoming student. Outside of school, she is really involved in soccer and theatre. She was a cast member for a Nose Creek Players Christmas play, (and also in this year’s show). She leads and encourages her peers to strive for success, and always remains humble when being recognized for doing great things or receiving an excellent mark. She is always grateful for the smallest of rewards.
Tristan Dyck, 14
Nominated by Heather Ponath and Kim Christensen, teachers
Tristan is a wonderfully talented young lady who exhibits the qualities of a truly dedicated student. She is inquisitive and continually dives into her school work with passion. Her maturity and dedication to her studies is to be acknowledged. Her maturity level within the classroom is also something that every teacher appreciates. Tristan also excels at band and art and has created pieces that are truly unique and beautiful. She is kind to her peers and helpful to others, and has often demonstrated compassion and understands how to help others when they are in need.
Ty Davis, 11
Nominated by Charlie Hunter, teacher
Ty’s leadership of and influence on his peers is clear. He is a really nice guy; hard-working; motivated; easily able to switch from fun to work and vice versa as appropriate; willing to help; a role model for his peers, always willing to volunteer; and fun. In French, after only nine months, he is able to converse in basic French very competently. A very active kid, he is a member of the band, playing alto saxophone, and he plays junior B basketball, hockey, baseball and golf.