
Parentlife with Yossi Suissa

Fall 2019

“Students who stay organized tend to get better grades and avoid unnecessary stress in school” 


Get organized for back toschool learning 

With school back in, many students find themselves rushing to feel readyStaying academically organized throughout the semester can sometimes be tricky, but the results are well worth it! Students who stay organized tend to get better grades and avoid unnecessary stress in school. To make life a little easier, here are some great tips for getting and staying academically organized! 

Make an agenda 

Many students believe they can mentally “jot down” their assignments throughout the day to be recalled later. The fact is this approach simply doesn’t work. It’s just not realistic to try to remember a long list of due dates. Write down important assignments, projects and upcoming exams in an agenda to ensure you’re always on top of your work and prioritizing appropriately. 

Separate your materials for different classes 

Try not to use one notebook, binder or folder for multiple classes. Keeping all your materials separated goes a long way for staying organized! 

Keep your backpack organized! 

Although this may seem rather obvious, don’t forget to keep your backpack clean and tidy! Surprisingly enough, we’ve seen students that return to school with used notebooks and old, crumpled assignments in their backpack from the previous school year. Ideally, you should clean out your school bag once a month.


Yossi Suissa M.A. is the owner and education consultant for Tutor Doctor Airdrie and Calgary 

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