Celebrate brighter days and warmer weather ahead without getting stuck in the kitchen! Check out local food blogger, Steph Todd’s recipes for Sheet-Pan Peanut Chicken Curry Bake and Easy Pasta Salad.
Imagine living in a world inhabited by Vikings, where elves, fairies and trolls roam the forests and live in people’s homes. This is the origin of The Christmas Nisse as described by Airdrie author Rikke Melgaard Liffiton in her book of the same name: The Christmas Nisse.
Having straight teeth and a beautiful smile has many obvious advantages. It boosts self-esteem, increases self-confidence, and can even improve job prospects. But what other benefits are there to having straight teeth? Dr. Mo Korayem, certified orthodontist, gives us the straight facts.
Walk into Kevin Kellar’s home and two things become obvious: it’s a gallery for his art, and a showcase for a lifelong fascination with light. What Kellar does as an artist involves photography, but the camera is simply a medium.