
Discover acupuncture

Story by Tanya McMillan

Summer 2024

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers a wide approach to health and wellness. From diet to exercise, pain and stress management, it is not simply a form of treatment, but a way of life. Creating balance in both our external and internal environment is vital to good health.

Over thousands of years studying the human condition, the Taoist arts have proven to be a useful tool in creating a healthy and happy life. A great example of this is the art of feng shui. Feng shui is an integral part of creating a welcoming, calming external environment.

Most people at one time or another have felt the anxiety that clutter creates, like a mountain of paperwork sitting on the desk in your office. This resembles a mountain to climb and creates a sense of being overwhelmed.

Just like looking at a mountain of paperwork, when we look at our health and see a lot going wrong, it can feel like an impossible mountain to climb but, with the right tools, everything is possible. Balance is a key component to our physical and mental health and, as with feng shui, TCM also takes its principles on balance and well-being from Taoism.

Acupuncture and herbal treatment are useful tools in regaining body/mind health. When we are out of balance, we feel it keenly; fatigue, insomnia, poor digestion and back pain are the most common illustrations of this.

Both traditional and sports medicine acupuncture (IMS/dry needling) excel at reducing pain and stress levels, bringing the body back into alignment and providing an optimal environment for healing. Some acupuncturists combine both methods to provide their patients with the best of both worlds. Both methods are an effective solution to chronic pain and stress, offering a different approach that is focused on getting to the root of the problem and treating the person as an individual, not just the disease.

-Dr. Tanya McMillan, RAc TCMD, MT