
Green Thumbs

Story and Photos by Kristy Reimer

Summer 2019

“Try new plants and gardening techniques! Do not be limited only by what has been done, but learn by it.”


Kristy Reimer was given the task last summer of visiting three lovely yards gardened by members of the Airdrie Horticultural Society, and got a few words of advice along the way. 



How long have you been gardening at your current home?

We’ve been gardening at our current home for 26 years, starting from raw land. It has become a real labour of love with constant changes.

What would you say is the highlight of your garden?

The various sitting areas where we can relax and enjoy the many flowers, shrubs and trees that we have planted and maintained. A few favourites are sitting under our gazebo, gazing at a warm cozy fire in the chiminea, all the while listening to the mesmerizing sound of the water fountain in the background. Of course, the mood would not be complete without a glass of our favourite merlot wine in hand!

Do you have any tips that have helped your garden become successful?

Our advice to others would be to accept that our environment is ever changing and to always be prepared and be open to making changes to the gardens and landscapes. What didn’t grow 10 years ago may grow now, and vice versa.




How long have you been gardening at your current home?

Twenty years! I started with just grass and vegetables, but as my kids got older, I put in the pond. Just four years ago, I built the stream.

What would you say is the highlight of your garden?

The water feature for sure! I love water gardening. I had a pond in my garden in England with frogs and newts.

Do you have any tips that have helped your garden become successful?

Too much blue dye turns not only the rocks blue, but the fish as well … LOL!!  Fortunately, the fish survived that ordeal!




How long have you been gardening at your current home?

This is my fourth summer at my current home but I have been gardening for over 45 years.

What would you say is the highlight of your garden?

My roses! But I have been enjoying my shade gardens too, and not having used any herbicide, pesticide or chemical fertilizers.


Do you have any tips that have helped your garden become successful?

Try new plants and gardening techniques! Do not be limited only by what has been done, but learn by it.  Explore!



Is your garden worth a feature in airdrielife? Send us a few pics before July 15 to sherry@frogmediainc.ca and we could be showcasing your garden in next summer’s issue!