
Anne Beaty Memorial Scholarship for Communications & Community

The Anne Beaty Scholarship is for a post secondary student who is passionate about the written word and/or volunteerism.

The scholarship is open to Alberta high school students/graduates who demonstrate:

  • Outstanding academic achievement
  • Is a dedicated community member
  • Who has proven leadership skills
  • A student who is entering into post secondary studies or is currently enrolled in post secondary education.

One scholarship will be awarded annually.  All students interested in applying must have all application requirements completed and submitted to airdrielife. 

We thank everyone for your application!

Deadline: June  30, 2024

Click the photo below to learn more about our 2020 recipient

Anne Beaty Scholarship Form
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Letters of recommendation (min of 2) from teachers, advisors, employers, community leaders. (No family members).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Letters of recommendation (min of 2) from teachers, advisors, employers, community leaders. (No family members).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please submit a 500 word essay for one of the following questions 1. How you plan to utilize your journalism/communications degree/diploma after graduation? 2. Why does the written word still matter? 3. How has communication changed in your lifetime and how do you think this has impacted society? 4. How do you think volunteerism impacts your community?